Thursday, December 4, 2008

Character: Dr. Austin Sloper
Actor: Albert Finney
Description: a man in his early fifties, has succeeded brilliantly in his profession and also married a beautiful heiress. He is clever, experienced, perceptive, satirical, and almost always sure he is right. He often speaks ironically to Catherine, who has no way to retaliate; however, she loves him anyway. She is also afraid of him and for her, defying his disapproval of Morris is a fearful step.
Character: Lavinia Penniman
Actress: Maggie Smith
Description: Sloper's childless, long-widowed sister. She takes a keen vicarious interest in Catherine's courtship, and later becomes infatuated with Morris as a tyrannical son, whose love affairs are of the greatest interest. She manipulates both Catherine and Morris, trying to shape their relationship into a romantic melodrama in which she plays a leading role; almost invariably, however, she makes matters worse.

Character: Catherine Sloper
Actress: Jennifer Jason Leigh
Description: often referred to by the narrator as "poor Catherine", is Dr. Sloper's only surviving child; her brother died at the age of three, and her mother succumbed to complications of childbirth a week after Catherine was born. She is sweet-natured and honest; however, she is also shy, plain, and not considered 'clever'. This makes her a great disappointment to her father.
Character: Morris Townsend
Actor: Ben Chaplin
Description: a tall, handsome man of about thirty, has squandered a small inheritance travelling the world and now lives with his sister. He is a typical fortune-hunter, but James gives him enough intelligence and grace to be credible as an attraction for Catherine. However, the doctor is not fooled and immediately suspects his artificial nature. Described as a "statue", an "apparition", and "a knight in a poem".

In this other blog, you can know more about the characters of "Washintong Square" film. The film of this book, was released the 2ond of March of 1998. The director is Agnieszka Holland and the screenplay is Carol Doyle. It's a film based on the novel of Henry James, of drama and romance genre.
Then you can know the actors that interpret in this film, the characters of the book.

Plot summary of Washington Square:

Catherine Sloper has found the man of her dreams in Morris Townsend, but her plans to marry him are strongly opposed by her father, who believes Townsend is only interested in his daughter for her money. But Catherine is determined to follow her heart, even if she loses her inheritance in the process. But just what are Townsend's intentions?
Written by Mike Myers {}